Interview with Time Emporium (Loveland, CO) – December 5, 2020


The gentlemen at the Time-Emporium in Loveland, Colorado genuinely love the escape room industry. Co-owners Jeff and Noah were on location in Florida installing there 3 rooms (Secrets of the Pharaohs, Murder in London, and Wizards Tower) in 2 new locations there and they took the time (again as this was take 2 since the audio never recorded the first time) to talk to Jason about all things escape rooms. Take 1 was originally done after escaping the Wizards Tower and before escaping Murder in London. Their immersion factor is off the charts! See what they had to say about their facility, and the industry in general, in the interview below.

Have you done any of the rooms at this location? What was your experience like? You can add your comments to this post.

Stay tuned for Jason’s reviews of the Wizards Tower and Murder in London. Check out and follow our social media channels below to be notified when new postings and interviews are published.

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